

A Study on Privacy Issues and Solutions of Public Data in Education



With the development of information and communication technology, various data have appeared and are being distributed. The use of various data has contributed to the enrichment and convenience of our lives. Data in the public areas is also growing in volume and being actively used. Public data in the field of education are also used in various ways. As the distribution and use of public data has increased, advantages and disadvantages have started to emerge. Among the various disadvantages, the privacy problem is a representative one. In this study, we deal with the privacy issues of public data in education. First, we introduce the privacy issues of public data in the education field and suggest various solutions. The various solutions include the expansion of privacy education opportunities, the need for a new privacy protection model, the provision of a training opportunity for privacy protection for teachers and administrators, and the development of a real-time privacy infringement diagnosis tool.


1. Introduction
2. Related Works
2.1 Definition of Privacy
2.2 Types of Privacy
2.3 Viewpoints of Privacy
3. Privacy Issues and Solutions
3.1 Privacy Issues
3.2 Solutions for Privacy Issues
4. Conclusion


  • Woochun Jun Professor, Department of Computer Education, Seoul National University of Education, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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