

TOPIK과 JLPT 읽기 지문에 나타난 문화 요소 비교 분석


Comparative Analysis of Cultural Factors in TOPIK and JLPT Reading Text.

하채현, 가네코 루리코

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is designed to make a comparison review of the Test of Proficiency in Korean(TOPIK) and the Japanese Language Proficiency Test(JLPT) to give an indication in the direction of language proficiency evaluation. From now on, in the overall comparison of the two tests, this paper started with the study of cultural factors. This is because cultural factors are the main mechanism that works throughout language education. In order to know how much cultural factors are included, this paper focuses on reading comprehension text. This is based on a deep correlation between reading comprehension and cultural understanding. TOPIK classifies cultural types by extracting intermediate readings from the 10th(2006) to 34th (2014). The JLPT, which does not provide the previous questions, extracted the readings from the nine textbooks for hands-on trial tests selected arbitrarily. As a result of the classification, we were able to confirm texts that included cultural factors in readings. TOPIK included cultural factors in approximately 25% (155) of 600 cases, and JLPT included approximately 93% (311) of 335 in total. In addition, TOPIK had the highest proportion of informational culture with 54% (83), while JLPT had the highest behavioral culture with 82% (255). The two linguistic abilities included a number of cultural factors in both ‘daily life’ and ‘society’. From these results, we were able to quantitatively measure the cultural factors included in the reading evaluation question.


1. 서론
2. TOPIK과 JLPT 일반 특성
2.1 전개와현황
2.2 개정포인트
2.3 등급과시험
3. TOPIK과 JLPT에 포함된 문화 요소 비교
3.1 문화유형별비교
3.2 문화항목별비교
3.3 문화세목별비교
4. 논의 및 시사점
4.1 1인칭으로제시하는JLPT와무인칭으로제시하는TOPIK
4.2 문화지식이의사소통에미치는영향
4.3 문화요소에대한다양한접근
4.4 요약과시사점
부록-문화 요소 분류 표


  • 하채현 Ha, Chaehyun. 우석대학교
  • 가네코 루리코 Kaneko Ruriko. 극동대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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