

Development of Wearable Device for Hearing Impaired people Using Arduino



Hearing impaired people are apt to be in danger because they can’t detect danger with sound. Hearing impaired people have less risk-detection ability than non-disabled people because of lack of hearing. There are many devices to help the hearing impaired, such as hearing aids. A hearing aids can be helpful, but it may not be available depending on the degree or type of hearing loss for example, to the hearing-impaired people with little remaining hearing of high frequencies, ordinary hearing aids are not very useful for understanding the high frequency consonants and it requires a high cost, from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars. Also, it is difficult for the underprivileged, such as the low-income bracket and the elderly, to use them because they are difficult to manage. Therefore, this paper describes the development of low-cost wearable device to assistant a hearing-impaired people using Arduino. Also, it accepts values from switches or sensors and can control external electronic devices such as LEDs and motors to create objects that can interact with the environment. In this is paper, through sound sensors, the ambient sound was taken as an analogue value and transmitted to the aduino board, and the vibration motor was operated when the noise was generated, so that the user could be aware of the occurrence of danger.


1. Introduction
2. Hearing impaired assist device
2.1 Hearing aids
2.2 Arduino device
3. Device Implementation
3.1 Hardware Design
3.2 Software Design
4. Result
5. Conclusion


  • An-Gyoon Jeon Assistant Professor, Department of Linc+, Jeonbuk National University, Korea
  • Dong-won Jeong Bachelor(B.A.), Department of Computer Engineering, Honam University, Korea
  • Sang-Hyun Lee Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Honam University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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