Wearable Device Data 기반 보행응급상황 대응체계 구축
한국ITS학회 한국ITS학회 학술대회 Net-Zero Mobility 2023.04 pp.210-215
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Wearable Visual-MIMO 시스템을 활용한 인터랙티브 스마트 패션 개발 - 모듈형 스트랩 및 키링 타입 -
한국패션디자인학회 한국패션디자인학회지 vol.19 no.2 2019.06 pp.107-123
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Wearable Textile Energy Harvester for IoT Devices
한국정보통신설비학회 한국정보통신설비학회 학술대회 한국정보통신설비학회 2022 정보통신설비 하계학술대회 2022.08 p.51
Wearable Device Users’ Behavior Change : Does Persuasive Design Matter?
국제문화기술진흥원 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology(IJACT) Volume 8 Number 1 2020.03 pp.218-225
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Wearable antenna for Body area Network
중소기업융합학회 융합정보논문지(구 중소기업융합학회논문지) 제3권 제2호 2013.11 pp.27-32
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Sensitive Wearable Sensor Based on Strong, Conductive, Anti-Freezing, and Double Network Hydrogel
강원대학교 산림과학연구소 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 학술대회 2022 International symposium of Institute of Forest Science for the 40th Anniversary of College of Forest and Environment Science 2022.10 p.127
2005 Wearable PC 경진대회 개최결과 : Ubiquitous Fashionable Computer Contest
한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 논문지 Vol.1 No.2 2005.12 pp.93-95
Development of wearable devices and mobile apps for fall detection and health management
국제문화기술진흥원 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology(IJACT) Volume 11 Number 1 2023.03 pp.370-375
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Effects of Wearable Near-Infrared Rays on Knee Pain in Korean Elderly Adults
조선대학교 기초과학연구원 통합자연과학논문집(구 조선자연과학논문집) 제13권 4호 2020.12 pp.121-127
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Development of Wearable Device for Hearing Impaired people Using Arduino
한국인터넷방송통신학회 The International Journal of Advanced Smart Convergence Volume 8 Number 4 2019.12 pp.214-220
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Development of wearable Range of Motion measurement device capable of dynamic measurement
한국인터넷방송통신학회 The International Journal of Advanced Smart Convergence Volume 8 Number 4 2019.12 pp.154-160
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Interaction using Wearable Motion Capture for the Virtual Reality Game : A case for the soccer game
한국컴퓨터게임학회 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 제31권 제3호 2018.09 pp.81-89
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International Symposium on Wearable Computers 2010 개최
한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 논문지 Vol.6 No.5 2010.10 pp.53-55
International Symposium on Wearable Computers 2010 TPC Meeting & Seminar 개최
한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 논문지 Vol.6 No.4 2010.08 p.72
Design of Dance Game Using Wearable Device for Older Adults
한국컴퓨터게임학회 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 제32권 제1호 2019.03 pp.11-18
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