

Design and Implementation of a Low-Code/No-Code System




This paper is about environment-based low-code and no-code execution platform and execution method that combines hybrid and native apps. In detail, this paper describes the Low-Code/No-Code execution structure that combines the advantages of hybrid and native apps. It supports the iPhone and Android phones simultaneously, supports various templates, and avoids developer-oriented development methods based on the production process of coding-free apps and the produced apps play the role of Java virtual machine (VM). The Low-Code /No-Code (LCNC) development platform is a visual integrated development environment that allows non-technical developers to drag and drop application components to develop mobile or web applications. It provides the functions to manage dependencies that are packaged into small modules such as widgets and dynamically loads when needed, to apply model-view-controller (MVC) pattern, and to handle document object model (DOM). In the Low-Code/No-Code system, the widget calls the AppOS API provided by the UCMS platform to deliver the necessary requests to AppOS. The AppOS API provides authentication/authorization, online to offline (O2O), commerce, messaging, social publishing, and vision. It includes providing the functionality of vision.


1. Introduction
2. Related studies
3. Low-Code/No-Code System Components
4. Low-Code/No-Code System Function
4.1 Initialization Process for AppOS
4.2 Call process for AppOS API
4.3 Switching process for Low-Code/No-Code System
5. Conclusion


  • Chang Young Hyun Professor, Dept. of Smart IT, Baewha Women’s University, Korea


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