

II. 언어와 상징

프랑스어 동물명 chien(개), chat(고양이), cheval(말)의 비유 표현과 의미 확장


Exploration on French Animal Figurative Expressions and Their Meaning Extension - With Special Reference to chien(dog), chat(cat) and cheval(horse)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to explore French animal figurative expressions focused on « chien(dog), chat(cat), cheval(horse)» and to examine how their meaning extension can be categorized based on conceptual metaphor. French language is reported to be rich in figurative expressions, especially animal figurative ones are heard nearly in everyday situation. In the field of cognitive semantics, there has been much research (domestic and foreign) concerning idioms, metaphor and body terms based on various individual languages. However, relatively little attention has been paid to animal figurative expressions and few studies have dealt with them in French. In this study, the figurative meanings containing chien, chat, cheval were analyzed based on conceptual metaphor as well as on semantic molecules related to ‘animal’, and their meaning extension was categorized. Our findings through this study showed that firstly, three animal figurative expressions as well as their extended meanings could be categorized. Which related to human beings, cognition, appearance, attitude, action, situation or relationship with others. Secondly, there were differences in semantic categories of figurative expressions by animals. Chien expression usually referred to negative properties, chat related to both positive and negative ones. Also, cheval expression was represented by positive properties as well as qualities (e.g. ways, means). Furthermore, animal expressions demonstrate different French speakers’ modes of thought compared with Koreans.


1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경과 선행 연구
3. Chien (chien, chienne)의 비유 표현
3.1. 시람 자체
3.2. 육체적(외형적) 특징
3.3. 내면적 속성
3.4. (부정적) 감정 상태
3.5. (무시해도 되는) 대상
3.6. (부정적) 상태
3.7. (경멸적) 행동
3.8. 상황
3.9. 시간(때)
3.10. (불화) 관계
3.11. 기타
4. Chat (chat, chatte)의 비유 표현
4.1. 시람 자체
4.2. 육체적(외형적) 특징
4.3. 내면적 속성
4.4. (별 볼일 없는) 대상
4.5. (신속하고, 대략적) 행동
4.6. 관계
4.7. 기타
5. Cheval (cheval, jument)의 비유 표현
5.1. 사람 자체
5.2. 내면적 속성
5.3. 감정 상태
5.4. (선호하는) 대상
5.5. 상태
5.6. 관계
5.7. 특정 분야(승마)
5.8. 방법, 수단
5.9. 기타
6. 논의와 결론


  • 황순희 Soonhee Hwang. 홍익대학교(세종), 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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