

독자 읽기능력 진단에 기반 한 도서지수 개발 원형연구


A Pilot Study of the Development of Readers’ Competency Based Reading Index.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This is a pilot study for the establishment of a Korean-Lexile system. The reading camp consisted of 24 elementary school students from grades 1 through 6, with intensive English reading guidance on various books as teaching materials, covering four hours and 12 times per day. A one-to-one diagnosis was conducted for the 24 subjects and the changes in the program’s subjects' pre- and post-reading ability were compared and analyzed. In addition, the trend of Lexile changes was analyzed according to the trend of the reading ability change. The results of the pre-diagnosis ability of the subjects showed that they were generally below benchmarks, and the difference in the ability within the group was large. The results of the post-diagnosis ability of the subjects showed an improvement of reading ability and the Lexile index. The correlation between post-diagnosis reading ability and change in the Lexile index was generally static, but the increase in the number of Lexile per person was not consistent with the increase in reading ability. Based on the results, the study emphasizes the need for follow-up studies and the establishment of a Korean-Lexile system.


1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
2. 렉사일(Lexile) 체계의 가능성과 한계
3. 연구 방법
3.1. 연구 대상
3.2. 연구 기간 및 절차
3.3. 검사 도구
3.4. 자료의 처리 및 분석
4. 연구 결과
4.1. DIBELS Next로 측정한 연구대상의 BOY 단계 영어읽기 능력
4.2. DIBELS Next로 측정한 연구대상의 MOY 단계 영어읽기 능력
4.3. 영어 읽기능력과 렉사일 지수 변화 추이
5. 결론 및 제언


  • 우길주 Kiljoo Woo. 부산교육대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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