

정상인과 슬개대퇴동통증후군 환자와의 VL, VMO, RF 근육의 동원순서 및 근활성도 차이 비교


Comparison of the Difference with Recruitment Time and without Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Patients

양회송, 김선미, 유은혜, 장인애, 정재란, 추혜미, 정찬주, 이형수

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purposes of this study were to compare the electromyographic activities and recruitment time from the rectus femoris, vastus medialis oblique and vastus lateralis during maximal isometric exercise with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome patients. 24 people (12 healthy people and 12 PFPS patients) participated in the study. All participants performed isometric exercises while electromyographic activity was recorded from surface EMG. The results as followed, healthy people revealed similar shame remaining muscles excepts the rectus femoris. Vastus lateralis of PFPS patients revealed remarkable higher than other muscles. Also Vastus lateralis recruitment time of PFPS patients was recruited earlier than healthy people. Following researchs for the muscular power reinforcement of the vastus medialis oblique must be studied for treatment of the PFPS patients.


I. 서론
 II. 연구 방법
  1. 연구대상
  2. 연구기간
  3. 실험 설계
  4. 실험기기(도구)
  5. 분석방법
 III. 결과
  1. 연구대상자의 일반적 특성 (N=24)
  2. 등척성 운동시 실험군과 대조군 집단간의 VL, VMO, RF의 근활성도 비교
  3. 등척성 운동시 실험군과 대조군 집단내의 VL, VMO, RF의 근활성도 비교
  4. 실험군과 대조군의 VL, VMO, RF의 근동원 순서 비교(동원순서/n)
 IV. 고찰
 V. 결론


  • 양회송 Hoe-Song Yang. 순천청암대학 물리치료과
  • 김선미 Seon-Mi Kim. 순천청암대학 물리치료과
  • 유은혜 Eun-Hye Yu. 순천청암대학 물리치료과
  • 장인애 In-Ae Jang. 순천청암대학 물리치료과
  • 정재란 Jae-Ran Jung. 순천청암대학 물리치료과
  • 추혜미 Hye-Mi Chu. 순천청암대학 물리치료과
  • 정찬주 Chan-Ju Jeong. 순천청암대학 물리치료과
  • 이형수 Hyoung-Soo Lee. 순천청암대학 물리치료과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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