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비교 정도부사의 코퍼스 분석과 어휘교육 방안 - ‘가장, 더, 덜’을 중심으로 -


Corpus Analysis of Comparative Degree Adverbs and Korean Vocabulary Teaching. - based on 'Kajang', 'Deo', 'Deol' -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to investigate on usage for 'Kajang, Deo, Deol' of degree adverbs and extract a list of co occurrent words with 'Kajang, Deo, Deol by the part of speech presented in Korean University textbooks for Korean learners. For this study, the corpus was analyzed through classifying 59 Korean university textbooks to extract co occurrent words named predicates by the part of speech at different level of textbooks. The result shows that 'Kajang' and ‘Deo’ has a higher frequency of cooccurrence with gradable antonym adjectives in each level. In contrast, ‘Deol’ has rare cooccurrence with adjectives. In the aspect of usage with verbs of ‘Kajang’ and ‘Deol’ is highly collocated with ‘like’ verb in every level. Especially, ‘Kajang’ is collocated with some psychological verbs. ‘Deo’ is highly collocated with some kind of action verbs intermediate and advanced level. In the aspect of usage with adverbs, ‘Kajang’ is collocated with ‘mani’ ‘Deo’ is collocated with ‘jom’ in basic level and ‘jeomjeom, jogeum, holshin’ in intermediate and advanced. In the aspect of usage with nouns ‘Kajang’, ‘Deol’ is collocated with ‘static noun’ but ‘Deol’ has rare frequencey of ‘noun’. Noteworthy results are that ‘Deo’ and ‘Deol’ has some marked meaning when collocated with special action verbs. Deo has a marked meaning of ‘ strengthening’ when combined with action verbs such as ‘eat, give, wait, go’ and 'Deol' have a marked meaning of 'incompletion'.when combined with action verbs such as ‘wake up, do, leak, write. In hence, I will also present some possibility of application for Korean Language Education for Korean learners based on Corpus analysis. Eventually I expect that the results of this study will be applied to teaching methods of the degree adverbs 'Kajang', 'deo', 'deol' for Korean learners, and construction of Korean textbooks.


1. 서론
2. 선행연구와 이론적 고찰
3. 코퍼스 결과 분석
1) 빈도 분석
2) 품사별 공기관계적 특징
4. 코퍼스 분석을 통한 한국어 어휘교육
1) 어휘 교육목표
2) 어휘 지도 내용과 방법
3) 한국어교재 구성의 시사점
5. 결론


  • 이유미 Lee, Yu-mi. 충북대학교 국어교육 외국어로서의 한국어교육 박사 졸업 후 연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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