A Study on Methodology of Cultural Education using K-MOOC - Focusing on Cultural Contents and Images -
The world is now in the era of the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’. In this new era, the paradigm of education is being transformed into smart education that transcends time and space between teaching and learning. MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), which is an open online education based on web services, is a representative example. Experience and acquirement of culture in addition to the way of education is also evolving from the character center to the utilization of multi symbol including characters and images such as TV, internet, smartphone. So how do we understand the 21st century Korean culture for today’s mobile generation communicating with society through multi-symbol? How do we interpret Korean cultural content in the digital age combined with characters, as well as voice, sound, and especially images? How will you educate the meaning of an image that fills the mobile world that is fast-growing from digital native to mobile native? This study was designed to suggest another methodology of cultural education using K-MOOC. For this purpose, concrete examples of cultural education methodology will be presented for the K-MOOC lecture "Cultural Contents Reading through Image".
1. 미디어와 문화교육
2. K-MOOC와 이미지
3. 문화콘텐츠와 이미지 리터러시
3.1 K-MOOC 강좌, ‘이미지로 따져 읽는 문화콘텐츠’의 내용
3.2 강좌의 구성과 문화교육의 실례
4. 이미지로 가르치는 문화교육