

Simulation of Child Care for First-time Father




In past patriarchal societies, childbearing was considered the sole possession of women. At a time when women were struggling to move into society, the concept of parenting as the mainstay of the capitalist economic society and the head of the family has naturally been taken for granted by a woman named "housewife." Since the role of male babies is as important as that of females, Fathers are trying to promote the importance of the effects of fathers due to active participation in childcare and help change old perceptions of the past. Men also know the importance of participating in childcare in early childhood, but often do not know what their children want or why they cry due to lack of basic child care knowledge and lack of education. We tried to give fathers the meaning of indirect experience and change their perception of parenting by producing interactive VR content, which is completed with dad's participation, so that they can experience the child in person. In addition, through familiar childcare professional product advertisement and 360 degree stereo sound. It is made to immerse in the game to gain persuasive effect, inducing fathers to have interest and interest in childrearing.


1. Introduction
2. Theory
3. Experiments
3.1 Hand gesture interaction
3.2 Prototype Fabrication
4. Conclusion


  • Sin-young Jang Dept. of Global Media, Soongsil University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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