A Study on the Meaning and Function of the Degree Adverb ‘약간(yakgan)’ as a Discourse Marker in Spoken Discourse-Comparision Between Korean Speakers and Learners.
Discourse markers are important to help interact in spoken discourse. Especially since Korean is a context-dependent language, it is very important to use them in appropriate situations. This study aims to suggest that the adverb ‘yakgan’ discussed as one of the degree adverb until now has expanded its meaning in the actual spoken discourse and plays a role of a discourse marker. To discuss this, this study used spoken corpus composed of the Sejong and semi-subcorpus composed of twitter comments and Kakao Talk. Then to compare the learner’s using of ‘yakgan’ patterns through the spoken corpus of ‘Korean learner corpus (KLC)’. Through this, this study intends to search for a way to contribute to the smooth communication of learners by illuminating the ‘약간(yakgan)’ as a discourse marker which is known only as degree adverbs so far.
1. 머리말
2. 선행 연구
2.1 선행연구에서 본 ‘약간’의 의미와 특징
2.2 담화표지의 특징
3. 한국어 모어 화자의 구어 담화에서 드러나는 담화표지로서 ‘약간’의 의미와 기능
3.1. 연구 자료 및 방법
3.2 연구 결과
3.3 소결
4. 한국어 학습자의 구어 담화에서 드러나는 ‘약간’의 사용 양상
4.1. 한국어 학습자 말뭉치의 구성
4.2. 한국어 학습자의 ‘약간’의 사용 양상 및 한국어교육에의 함의
5. 나가며