

무사유와 ‘악의 평범성’ : 어셔의 『13가지 이유』


Thoughtlessness and ‘The Banality of Evil’ : Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article examines what bullying students might commit in school when they thoughtlessly act in Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. It also studies what such thoughtless behaviors can cause, and what a few students do to stop the tragedy. ‘Thoughtlessness’ is a key word to understanding the bullying and the bullies, who are usually considered to be ordinary and harmless. Because all students are closely connected in school, even seemingly hurtless words and behaviors influence others in unexpected ways. The text shows the process in which a rumor from an ordinary but thoughtless male student spreads all over the school. The rumor leads to the second harm, influencing other students, and consequently drives a victim to death. In the process, any bullies do not apologize without taking responsibilities for their wrongdoing. Asher’s work is useful for finding out the inseparable relation between violence and ‘the banality of evil,’ a dictum used by Hannah Arendt. It might suggest a way to rectify thoughtless bullies.


I. 서론
II. 본론
1. ‘악의 평범성’에 대한 이해
2. 소문에 의한 집단따돌림과 악의 평범성
III. 결론
Works Cited


  • 우승정 Woo, Seungjeung. 조선대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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