In today’s turbulent business landscape, a firm’s ability to explore new IT capabilities and exploit current ones is essential for enabling organizational agility and achieving high organizational performance. We propose IT exploration and exploitation as two critical organizational learning processes that are essential for gaining and sustaining competitive advantages. However, it remains unclear how the emerging cloud-based IT architecture affects an organization’s ability to explore and exploit its IT capabilities. We conceptualize modularity and virtuality as two critical dimensions of emerging cloud-based IT architecture and investigate how they affect IT exploration and exploitation. We test our hypotheses using data obtained from our field survey of IT managers. We find that modularity is positively associated with both exploration and exploitation whereas virtuality is positively associated with exploration, but not with exploitation. We also find that the effect of modularity on exploitation is stronger than its effect on exploration.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Theoretical Background
2.1. IT Architecture and New Computing Paradigm
2.2. The Modularity of IT Architecture
2.3. The Virtuality of IT Architecture
Ⅲ. Research Model
3.1. Effect of IT Architecture Modularity
3.2. Effect of IT Architecture Virtuality
Ⅳ. Research Method
4.1. Sample
4.2. Measures
Ⅴ. Data Analyses and Results
5.1. Measurement Model
5.2. Hypothesis Testing
Ⅵ. Discussion
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