피인용수 : 0건 (자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)
This study theoretically explores the impact of the modularity and virtualization of IT architecture on a firm's ability to learn through exploration and exploitation. Drawing on prior research on modularity, virtualization, organizational learning, and IT governance, we develop a theoretical framework that suggests the modularity and virtualization of IT architecture fosters explorative and exploitative learning. We further propose that the effects of modularity and virtualization are moderated by IT governance factors such as the locus of IT control and the ownership of IT resources.
1. Introduction
2. Conceptual Foundation
2.1. IT Architecture Modularity
2.2. IT Architecture Virtualization
2.3. Organizational Learning: Exploration and Exploitation
2.4. IT Governance: IT Control Locus and IT Resource Ownership
3. Theoretical Model of IT Architecture and Organizational Learning
3.1. IT Architecture Modularity and Organizational Learning
3.2. IT Architecture Virtualization and Organizational Learning
3.3. Moderating Effect of IT Governance on Organizational Learning
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
1. Introduction
2. Conceptual Foundation
2.1. IT Architecture Modularity
2.2. IT Architecture Virtualization
2.3. Organizational Learning: Exploration and Exploitation
2.4. IT Governance: IT Control Locus and IT Resource Ownership
3. Theoretical Model of IT Architecture and Organizational Learning
3.1. IT Architecture Modularity and Organizational Learning
3.2. IT Architecture Virtualization and Organizational Learning
3.3. Moderating Effect of IT Governance on Organizational Learning
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
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