

21세기 중국 내 한국현대문학 번역출판현황 고찰


A study of the current status of modern Korean literature translation in China in the 21st Century


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research investigates into the current status of translation of Korean literature in China in the 21st century in the categories of Korean authors, translators, and publishers. As for the number of Korean literary texts introduced into China by author, some writers have more than ten of their works published in China while over 80% of authors have only one of their works introduced into the country; various authors have become well-known in the Chinese market, starting from Gong Ji-young in 2009, followed by authors such as Kim Young-ha who are highly recognized in Korea. As for the number of translated Korean literature by translator, some have translated more than 30 literacy texts while over 90% of translators have translated only one or two pieces of work. Most professional translators have studied in Korea, majored in Korean literature at college, and have high-quality skills. Chinese students attending colleges in Korea can be considered potential translators of Korean literature. As for the number of translated Korean writings by publisher of Korean literature, a large number of publishers are translating Korean literature across China, and it is encouraging that well-known publishers including Shanghai Translation Publishing House have continuously been publishing two to three pieces of literary work each year. Although the early stage of the Korean Wave in the 21st century suffered the problem of a large quantity of Korean literature translated into Chinese with poor quality, the outlook for translated Korean literature in China seems bright as the quality has been maintained and is getting better.


I. 들어가는 말
II. 선행연구
1. 이론적 배경
III. 중국 내 한국현대문학 번역출판 현황
IV. 한국현대문학 번역출판 현황 분석
1. 한국 작가
2. 번역가
3. 출판사
V. 나가는 말


  • 손지봉 Son, Ji-Bong. 이화여자대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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