

한국어 교육에서 역번역(Back Translation)의 교육적 활용 연구


A Study on the Educational Application of Back Translation in Korean Education.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study utilizes Back Translation, originally used as one of the methods of verifying quality of translations, to discuss the validity and practicality of reverse translation activities for the purpose of improving learners’ ability to learn languages. It has been revealed through the verification of many scholars that language education through translation is a means of learning both the language of the target language and the culture of the target language at the same time. Back translation allow learners to go through the process of comparing and thinking with their native language and the corresponding learning language, to develop the ability to read and think expanded paragraphs in sentences, and to develop both reading and writing skills simultaneously through creative writing. In addition, through the process of reviewing and discussing with fellow learners, the practicality of each activity process was expected to be effective through the improvement of speaking ability, Therefore, I intend to address the validity and practicality of each process of Back translation through theoretical, practical and specific research.


1. 서언
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 역번역에 관한 선행연구 연구
2.2. 역번역의 정의
3. 번역과 교육
3.1. 번역을 통한 외국어 학습
3.2. 한국어 교육과 번역
4. 학습으로서의 역번역
4.1. 교육에서의 역번역
4.2. 역번역의 교육적 활용
5. 역번역을 통한 한국어 학습
5.1. 학습자와 학습 진행 절차
5.2. 역번역 학습의 번역 결과
6. 결언


  • 심선향 Sim, SunHyang. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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