

국내 순차통역 상황 요소와 연계한 통역 능력 정의 및 수업모형 개발


Defining Consecutive Interpreting Conditions and Sub-Competences and Developing an Appropriate Consecutive Interpreting Training Model in Consideration of the Korean Situation.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to identify the sub-competences needed for consecutive interpreting in various communication conditions and develop an appropriate training model for strengthening the strategic sub-competence. For this, sub-competences including the strategic sub-competence for consecutive interpreting were defined. Considering that the strategic sub-competence covers situation analysis, problem solving as well as coordinating all the other sub-competences according to communication conditions, specific consecutive interpreting conditions were identified and classified. In addition, domestic consecutive interpreting demand for the past two years was collected and expert interviews were conducted to identify the specific condition factors worth covering in order to develop an effective and efficient training model. A model composed of three types of distinct conditions was developed and applied. Surveys conducted after each application reveal that the training model is effective in making students more conscious about different interpreting conditions and in developing their strategic competence.


1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1. 통역 능력
2.2. 순차통역 상황 요소
3. 국내 순차통역 수요 조사
4. 전문가 면담
5. 수업모형 개발 및 실행
5.1. 수업모형 개발
5.2. 수업모형 실행
6. 결론
첨부자료 1. 업종별 통역 수요
첨부자료 2. 학생 설문


  • 이지민 Lee, Ji-Min. 계명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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