The Ethical Violence and the Problem of the Other in Saturday
Saturday is a realistic novel reflecting Ian McEwan’s intention focusing on the most monumental events in this era. In this paper, my aim is to examine the violence of self-identity and the community life with the Other, focusing on the concept of Levinas and Bakhtin. For this purpose, I dealt with the issue of face and ethics, the core of Levinas’s ethics of the Other through the relationship between Henry and Baxter, which shows epistemological attack and verbal violence. The ethical relationship with the Other, which was emphasized by Levinas, is that violence of identity must be handled by violence. On the other hand, Bakhtin’s communal relationship means the pursuit of a community life that lives with the Other. In Saturday, Henry and Baxter need a specific time, place and event to make a community together, and Bakhtin named it Chronotope. The encounter between Henry and Baxter in this novel is a condition of Chronotope. Henry must acknowledge the presence of the Other, and seek the coexistence with him in this Chronotope. To sum up, what McEwan emphasized is to see the face of the Other and speak to him which can result in a harmonical community with the Other in Chronotope.
II. 자기동일성의 폭력
III. 공동체적 타자의 의미
IV. 결론
Works Cited
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