

『나를 보내지 마』에 나타난 휴머니즘


The Humanism through Never Let Me Go


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Never Let Me Go written by Kazuo Ishiguro hides the truth by describing the reappearance of memory. This paper aims at investigating what humanism is from the perspective of existential meaning of clones and aesthetic meaning of arts education in the novel. Hailsham teaches clones with the manipulated art curriculum. However, the education of Hailsham can not affect Tommy, who doubts the facts that all the students believe. Through his artworks, he looks into a chasm between Hailsham and the real world, tries to find his own identity, expresses humanity and shows his love for Kathy. Finally, He realizes Hailsham turns out to be a dystopia. His fury and painful cry is a message that we should examine the value of the humanism that real humans have. This novel indicates that the main point is not the ‘nature of human’ but ‘the value of human’, which we must protect, to defend the essence of humans. It is obvious that humans, who symbolically and superficially believe “I am humanism”, will be like clones that will finally reach the “completion” after donating their organs to the ‘non-human-like humanity’.


I. 서론
 II. 본론
 III. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 목현정 Mok, Hyon-Jeong. 강원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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