

외국 초등 사회과 교과서 구성체제 분석-미국·일본·프랑스 교과서를 중심으로-


An Analysis on Unit framework in Elementary Social Studies Textbooks of U.S, Japan & France

이종일, 정호범, 고영호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study attempts to analyze elementary social studies textbooks of U.S., Japan and France. It closely looks at one unit of each social studies textbook and tries to examine unit title, factors of unit, description of text, space organizations of page. Ultimately, this study is aimed to get insights for Korean publication system of elementary social studies textbooks. Followings are the results of analyzing the textbook in these views. First, we need to exchange an elementary school textbook publication system into freedom system. Second, we need to developing diverse teaching-learning resources besides a textbook and supply to teachers with it. Third, textbook contents are important, but an external framework of textbook agree with students' level or interest are important too. Fourth, the contents which introduces to a textbook must be close to everyday-life of students and concrete thing. And the question must state the format that can cause an interest of students. Fifth, we have to consider more various unit framework of textbooks. Last, it is necessary for us to study and assistance about a textbook.


2.구성체제 비교 분석을 위한 관점
3.미국 교과서 구성체제
4.일본 교과서 구성체제
5.프랑스 교과서 구성체제
6.맺음말: 우리나라 사회과 교과서 개선을 위한 시사점


  • 이종일 Lee, Jong-il. 대구교육대학교
  • 정호범 Cheong, Ho-bhum. 진주교육대학교
  • 고영호 Go, Young-ho. 제주동광초등학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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