


문화예술 텍스트의 구조 분석 기제


A Study on the Analysing Mechanism of Cultureartistic Text Structure


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this article introduce to structural analysis known as an approach to textural analysis in academic field of Structuralism. Structuralist analysis focuses on the structural relations which are functional in the signifying system at a particular moment in history. It involves identifying the constituent units in a semiotic system and the structural relationships between them. The analysing text-structure plays an important role for culture and art education. Structuralist analysis is compose of paradigmatic and syntagmatic relationship. Paradigmatic relationships can operate on the level of the signifiers or on the level of the signified. A paradigm is a set of associated signifiers or signifieds which are all members of some defining category, but in which each is significantly different. Syntagmatic relations are the various ways in which elements within the same text may be related to each other. In base of two relations I could try to analyse the structure of culture-artistic texts.


 I. 들어가는 말
 II. 통합체적 관계의 구조 분석
  2.1 개념적 관계와 공간적 관계
  2.2 순차적 관계와 내러티브
 III. 계열체적 관계의 구조 분석
  3.1 계열체 관계와 전환 테스트
  3.2 대립과 유표성 배열
  3.3 기호사각형
 IV. 맺음말


  • 김영순 Kim, Young-Soon. 인하대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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