

‘생명’과 관련된 신체관용구 — 영어와 한국어의 ‘머리’와 ‘목’ 관련 관용구를 중심으로


Body-Part Idioms Related to the Concept LIFE : English and Korean Idiomatic Expressions Involving head and neck

최영주, 김의산, 김혜민, 정선주

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The fact that our body parts seem to be closely related to certain concepts has drawn a lot of attention from researchers. Therefore, body-part idioms have been scrutinized, demonstrating how a certain body part is utilized in conceptualizing several concepts. Moreover, languages have been compared to reveal variations in constructing concepts using body-part expressions. However it is not easy to find research focusing on how different languages use different body parts in conceptualization, except for concepts related to emotions such as anger, happiness, or sadness. In order to bridge the gap, this paper compares head and neck related idioms in Korean and English, observing how the two languages differently utilize the two parts in conceptualizing the concept of LIFE. It turns out that in Korean, neck alone is used to indicate the concept LIFE, while in English, both head and neck are used. In addition, this paper reveals that the same body-part idioms related to the concept of LIFE are further extended to designate CAREER, in both languages, supporting Lakoff’s claim regarding inheritance hierarchy.


I. 서론
 II. 선행연구
 III. 영어와 한국어의 ‘목’에 나타난 ‘생명’ 의미
  3.1 영어의 ‘목’ 관련 관용구에 나타나는 ‘생명’의 의미
  3.2 영어의 ‘목’ 관련 관용구에 나타나는 ‘경력’의 의미
  3.3 한국어의 ‘목’ 관련 관용구에 나타나는 ‘생명’의 의미
  3.4 한국어의 ‘목’ 관련 관용구에 나타나는 ‘경력’의 의미
 IV. 영어와 한국어의 ‘머리’에 나타난 ’생명’의 의미
  4.1 영어의 ‘머리’ 관련 관용구에 나타나는 ‘생명’의 의미
  4.2 영어의 ‘머리’ 관련 관용구에 나타나는 ‘경력’의 의미
  4.3 한국어의 ‘머리’ 관련 관용구에 나타나는 ‘생명’의 의미
 V. ‘생명’에서 ‘경력’으로의 의미 확장
 VI. 결론


  • 최영주 Youngju Choi. Chosun University
  • 김의산 Euisan Kim. Chosun University
  • 김혜민 Heymin Kim. Chosun University
  • 정선주 Seonju Jeong. Chosun University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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