


지하철 환기구 재설계를 통한 보행자 편의성향상 연구


Ventilation System Redesign of Subway for Pedestrians

김시준, 김정수, 김정태

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The subway is a common transportation system accessed by over 8 million people on a daily basis in Metropolitan Seoul area. The subway ventilation system located on a street occupies a large area of walkways which cause inconvenience to the public. In this paper, approaches to reduce the ventilation sitting area on the pathway are examined. 5 different preliminary models of ventilation systems are analyzed to minimize the pathway obstacle area such that the public may have an easy access to pass by on the street. The amount of the air ventilation is predicted using the CFD software to ensure an efficient ventilation. The ventilation performance is verified by theory and numerical analysis. The result shows that one of the proposed model combined with the hybrid ventilation satisfies the regulation requirement of the air quantities. We may conclude that the proposed ventilation design provides a smooth walking environment to the public while the ventilation volume is maintained to the existing ventilation system with no modification of the current ventilation holes and structures.


 1. 서론
 2. 환기방식에 대한 검토
  2.1 자연환기 방식 (Natural ventilation)
  2.2 강제환기 방식 (Forced ventilation)
  2.3 혼용방식 (Hybrid ventilation)
 3. 환기구 모델
  3.1 대상 시스템
  3.2 대상 시스템
  3.3 검토된 디자인 모델
 4. 환기구의 유동해석
  4.1 환기구의 유량과 환기량
  4.2 환기구 설치기준과의 비교
 5. 환기구 모델의 구조안전성과 편의성
  5.1 구조적 안전성 평가
  5.2 보행자 편의성
 6. 결론


  • 김시준 Si-Jun Kim. Member, Hongik University
  • 김정수 Jung-Soo Kim. Member, Hongik University
  • 김정태 Jeung-Tae Kim. Hongik University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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