The Structural Relationships among Pygmalion Leader Behavior, Psychological Empowerment and Job Performance of Flight Crew
The purpose of this study was to suggest effectual human resources strategy with the Structural Relationships among pygmalion leader behavior, psychological empowerment and job performance of flight crew. This paper chose flight crews as a population of this study who was working in the domestic airline using convenience sampling. For the analysis of data, 291 questionnaires were used using PASW 18.0 Windows Version and Amos 20.0. Frequency analysis and reliability analysis were processed. To examine convergent validity analysis and discriminant validity, confirmatory factor analysis and correlation analysis were conducted. Finally, structural equation model(SEM) was made for the verification of model suitability and research hypotheses. The results of this research is presented as follows: First, the pygmalion leader behavior on psychological empowerment showed that task delegation had a significant effect on flight crews' psychological empowerment. Second, the pygmalion leader behavior on job performance showed that humane treat and task delegation had a significant effect on flight crews' job performance. Third, the psychological empowerment on job performance showed that psychological empowerment had a significant effect on flight crews' job performance.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. 피그말리온 리더행동
2. 심리적 임파워먼트
3. 직무성과
4. 가설설정의 이론적 근거
Ⅲ. 연구설계
1. 연구모형
2. 설문지 구성
3. 자료수집 및 분석방법
Ⅳ. 분석결과
1. 표본의 인구통계학적특성
2. 변수의 정규성 검증
3. 타당성 및 신뢰도 검증
4. 상관관계분석
5. 연구모형의 적합도 및 가설검증
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언