Understanding concepts of proactive services and cases
Reactive behavior of enterprise fails to satisfy the changing customer needs, while proactive behavior works as means of creating value and preventing potential problems. Firms cannot continue to satisfy customers if expectation level toward service increases rapidly in a dynamic environment. It can be emphasized especially under the influence of 4th industrial revolution. Needs for creating and delivering proactive services emerge in this aspect. Based on literature review, we define the concept of proactive services. We also classify them into the following three types: service guarantee program; preventive service; condition-based predictive service. Characteristics and potential threats arising for each type are identified. We introduce various cases of firms that have implemented proactive services such as Hyundai Motor Company, SK Magic, Emart, Coway, Thyssenkrupp, Alstom, Amazon, etc. Some companies implemented multiple proactive services grouped into different categories. For example, Assurance Program of Hyundai Motor Company falls into service guarantee program category, while Before Service of the same company belongs to preventive service category. Pros and cons of proactive services are discussed. Pros include improving market share and customer loyalty through providing differentiated services. Cons include invasion of privacy, increased cost, risk of developing new services, loss of strategic focus, etc.
Ⅱ. 선제적 서비스의 의의
Ⅲ. 선제적 서비스의 유형별 특징 및 장·단점
Ⅳ. 사례연구
Ⅴ. 결론 및 시사점