Reviewing 2017 Amendments to Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China, Comparing with Enforcement Decree of the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act
Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of Chin a(2017 revision) was passed on Nov. 4, 2017, and it will be put into effect on Jan. 1, 2018. With the development of technolog y, in order to solve the problems during the enforcement proces s of the current Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China, the 2017 revision has been made. Compared to the contents of the current Anti-Unfair Competition Law, the 2017 revision is featured with such contents as the conception of the act of unfair competition, acts of confusion, acts of bribing, trade secret infringement, acts of unfair competition on the inte rnet, investigation authority of the supervision and inspection d epartments, legal liability of the unfair competition acts and etc. On the other hand, despite the 2017 revision of Chinese Anti -Unfair Competition Law, such problems have not been solved as the excessive application of the fundamental provision in judging the acts of unfair competition, the protection for the fame be longed to the related trademarks, the calculation method for the damage compensation caused by acts of unfair competition and etc. Compared with the current Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act of Korea, the 2017 revision has a considerable difference in such contents as the conception, type, constituent features of the acts of unfair competition, investi gation departments and measures, legal liabilities, calculation method for the damage compensation of acts of unfair competition and etc. In sum, by this 2017 revision, regulation objects, regul ation means and regulation intensity on the acts of unfair comp etition in the Chinese Anti-Unfair Competition Law will be dras tically reinforced. Therefore, based on the new changes, problems in the Chinese Anti-Unfair Competition Law and its differences with the Korean Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Sec ret Protection Act, Korean enterprises should pay attention not to violate others' legal benefits while their legal benefits can get much more protection against the acts of unfair competition during their entry into the Chinese market.
2017년 11월 4일에 중국 반부정당경쟁법 개정안이 통과되어 2018년 1 월 1일에 시행예정이다. 해당 개정안은 현행 중국 반부정당경쟁법의 시행 과정에서 나타난 문제점들을 해결하기 위하여 제정되었다. 현행 반부정당경쟁법과 비교하면, 개정안은 부정경쟁행위의 개념, 혼동하게 하는 행위, 뇌물수수 행위, 영업비밀 침해 행위, 인터넷상의 부정경쟁행위, 감독검사부서의 조사권한, 부정경쟁행위에 관한 법적책임 등의 내용이 대폭 수정되었다. 개정안은 현행 한국 부정경쟁방지법과 비교할 때, 부정경쟁행위의 개념과 유형및 구성요건, 부정경쟁행위에 관한 조사기관 및 조사조치, 법적책임, 손해배상금액의 산정방법 등에 있어서 상당한 차이가 있다. 한편, 이번 반부정당경쟁법의 개정으로도 부정경쟁행위의 판단에 관한 원칙규정의 과도한 적용, 상표에 쌓이는 명성의 보호, 부정경쟁행위로 인한 손해배상금액의 산정 등은해결되지 않았다. 요컨대, 이번 개정으로 중국의 부정경쟁행위에 관한 규제범위, 규제수단, 규제강도가 대폭 강화될 것이다. 따라서 한국 기업이 중국시장에 진출하는 경우 중국 반부정당경쟁법상의 변화와 한국 부정경쟁방지법과의 차이점을 고려하여 부정경쟁행위로부터 합법한 이익을 보호받음과 동시에 다른 주체의 합법한 이익을 침해하지 않도록 유의하여야 한다.
II. 2017년 반부경법의 주요 수정내용
III. 2017년 반부경법의 문제점
IV. 결론