

제조업체의 마케팅생산성 향상을 위한 CRM 연구 - S'전자업체를 중심으로 -


A Study on CRM for the Improvement of Marketing Productivity in S' Electronics Corporation

김상종, 이범희

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



While most of researchers studied on the value added performance of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) operation in the field of banking industry, not manufacturing industry, this study is on the performance of CRM operation of S´ Electronics Corporation, which produces electronics goods. Conceptually, the CRM of Manufacturing industry should be different from the one of banking industry. Manufacturers usually don't invest much in the CRM activities, because they have many difficulties in gathering the customer's real information. The fact leads us to study the CRM for the improvement of the Marketing Productivity in the manufacturing industry like S´ Electronics Corporation. In this study, the main focuses for manufacturers are about how to use a lot of customers' information for CRM operations. First, we divided the customer informations to the three different kinds of groups like the three independent variables RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary). And, selected the P (marketing Productivity) as the dependent variable. From the analysis, we could evaluate a lot of regression equations for every individuals, nearly more than 20 million customers' information in S´ Electronics corporation. CRM marketers can utilize the regression equations, by using computer system, which can lead to the improvement of Marketing Productivity. The improvement of the CRM activities in manufacturing industry was verified almost the same as the banking industry. And, we found the improved real performance of CRM Marketing Productivities in S´ Electronics corporation.


I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
 III. 연구모형 및 가설
 IV. 가설 및 예측모델의 유효성 검증
 V. CRM활용 마케팅 생상성 분석
 VI. 결론


  • 김상종 Sang-Jong Kim. 동국대학교 경영학과 교수.
  • 이범희 Bum-Hee Lee. 동국대학교 경영학과 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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