

국가 경쟁력과 노사관계 생산성 제고 방안


National Competitiveness and Productivity Enhancement of Industrial Relations in Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Labor dispute became a national subject to be resolved right after the inauguration of President Noh, Moo-Hyon in 2003. A few cases including Doosan Heavy Industry and Korail showed strong unions' militancy in strikes while companies and the government seemed to be in a defensive position at collective bargaining table. This lead to the reconsideration of national competitiveness in global era. Many well-known reports on national competitiveness revealed that Korea's position is ranked lower because of current militant industrial relations system. With unchanging stubborn management approach to collective bargaining, increasing industrial unions, and changing industry structure, a new paradigm in industrial relations seem to be long way to reach. Moreover, the government's labor-friendly approach, large wage and working condition gaps among workers, and the lack of neutral labor specialist make more difficult to keep Korea's current national competitiveness. To retain the national competitiveness, the following ideas are suggestedthe government's approach with neutrality and less interference to collective bargaining process and systematic protection of contingent workers; companies' increasing effort to enhance the capability in collective bargaining; unions's role and responsibility in the community, and training and developing capable labor specialists.


I. 문제의 제기
 II. 노사관계 주요 사건과 정부의 역할
 III. 우리나라의 국가 경쟁력과 노사관계
 IV. 현상에 대한 배경 요인
 V. 노사관계 생산성 제고를 통한 국가경쟁력 강화 방안


  • 이영면 Young-Myon Lee. 동국대학교 경영대학 경영학과 부교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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