Intelligent Digital Factory for Productivity Innovation : Remodeling of A Tractor Factory
Intelligent digital factory is 3D simulation model for building and inspecting various alternatives for scheduling algorithm, material handling system, motion analysis and so on. That is, the final objective of intelligent digital factory is constructing optimized manufacturing system by developing effect manufacturing methods about 4M(Man, Machine, Material, Method). In this paper, we give new Material handling method and lay-out for increasing of productivity and utilization rate(%) on major workstations at a tractor manufacturing line. In conclusion, this research shows the developed material handling method and lay-out can increase productivity and utilization rate(%) on major workstations by 45 tractors per day and 3%. The technology of this intelligent digital factory enable to develop new manufacturing methods, continuously productivity innovation in various manufacturing systems.
II. 지능인지형 디지털팩토리 활용 기술 개요
III. 트랙터 공장 생산성 향상을 위한 디지털팩토리 활용
1. 기업 현황 및 제조라인 상세 분석
2. 현 조립라인의 문제점 분석 및 개선 포인트 도출
3. 디지털팩토리 구축 및 개선안 검증
4 . 최종 개선안 적용 및 교육
IV. 디지털팩토리 활용을 통한 생산성 향상 효과
1. 정성적 효과
2. 정량적 효과
VI. 결론