A Strategy of Service Productivity about Characteristic of Chinese Travel Products
The purpose of this study is to show a strategy of service productivity about characteristic of chinese travel products. In order to establish a framework, this study investigated previous studies regarding several experiences, skills, challenges, involvements, familiarity and consumer service productivity. To verify the hypotheses, I addressed a questionnaire to adult aged over 23 who have been to China and experiences of visiting. I was able to obtain participation of 100(Total 240)people from across the urban Seoul using 120 responses (20 removed), I derived statistics by mean of SPSS/PC version 12.0 statistics package. The results is aimed at understanding the key elements that influence the perception valuation of Korean visitors about the service productivity of chinese travel products. Due to increase in income level, quality of education and more leisure time, the demand for overseas travel is increasing steadily particularly after 2000, when China launched its full scale Chinese Travel Products, the international relations between the two countries have been improved a lot. Besides China is number 1 destination for Korean outbound visitors, it become very important to improve the quality of Chinese Travel Products according to the needs of Korean customers. Therefore to develop Chinese Travel Products and to increase return on investment, the service productivity should be enhanced by developing new tourism products.
세계전체인구의 20.5%를 차지하고 명목 GDP 2조2,257억 달러로 세계 GDP의 5.0%를 차지하고 있는 거대한 미래의 땅, 중국은 1984년 중국이산가족 상봉을 기점으로 한국과의 교류의 시발점을 마련하였다(서갑성・김종득, 2007). 중국은 한국의 최대 수출시장이 되었으며, 앞으로도 상품교육, 문화적측면, FTA무역, 투자, 관광, 한류 등에서 가장 중요한 상대국이 될 것이다.
II. 이론적 배경 및 중국 관광시장과 정책동향
III. 연구방법
IV. 실증분석
V. 중국여행상품의 서비스 생산성 제고 대안
VI. 결론
〈참고문헌 〉