

신임관리자의 역할정체성, 리더십, 그리고 스트레스에 관한 탐색적 연구


Exploratory Study on the Role Identity, Leadership, and Stresses of First-time Supervisors


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was conducted to determine the role identity, leadership type (task-oriented leadership or relations-oriented leadership), and non-followership of subordinates of first-time supervisors, as well as their stresses in the context of Korean culture. This study particularly analyzes situational influences on the relations between the leadership type and the non-followership of subordinates by setting a low power position and new face-to-face relations as moderating variables. The theoretical background of this study has been introduced, and the hypothetical correlation among the variables, assumed. A survey was performed on a total of 185 first-time supervisors (section chiefs) appointed to their current position within the past two years, and the collected data were subjected to a regression analysis and structural equation modeling using SPSS and AMOS. The results of the statistical analysis are as follows. First, with regard to the role identities of the first-time supervisors, a positive correlation was observed between task-oriented leadership and relations-oriented leadership. The correlation was more pronounced in the relations-oriented leadership, which demonstrates that the role identity of a first-time supervisor puts the formation of kinship with subordinates first in the context of Korean culture. Second, a positive correlation was observed between task-oriented leadership and non-followership of subordinates. Additionally, the lower the power position of the first-time supervisor was, the more task-oriented leadership worsened the non-followership of the subordinates. Third, a positive correlation was seen between the non-followership of the subordinates and the leadership stresses of the first-time supervisor. The result shows that the first-time supervisors shall be under much stress should their subordinates not collaborate with them in their work nor respect them or implement their directed tasks, and that the first-time supervisors could themselves trigger their stress. In other words, given that leadership stress is caused by the non-followership of the subordinates, which is again triggered by the task-oriented leadership of the first-time supervisor, task-oriented leadership does not coincide well with the cultural characteristics of Korea. Fourth, relations-oriented leadership failed to instigate the followership of subordinates, even if the first-time supervisor had a low power position and was not acquainted earlier with his or her subordinates. The implications and limitations of this study were discussed.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 및 가설
 Ⅲ. 연구조사방법
 Ⅳ. 연구결과
 Ⅴ. 결론 및 토론


  • 이을터 Eul-Teo, Lee. 군산대학교 경영학부 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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