

Peer Group Discussion Speaking Tests : A Study on Turn-Taking of Korean EFL Learners


Hye-Kyung Ryoo

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Assessing speaking skills of ESL/EFL learners has long been one of the critical issues in the field of language testing. How to measure learners' speaking skills effectively and successfully has always attracted keen interests from the teachers, learners, and others involved in teaching and learning English as a second/foreign language. The present study is an in-depth analysis of small group oral proficiency tests in terms of the ways in which the test-takers take turns and how they orient to the group discussions in oral proficiency tests. Close analysis of the talk in the discussion revealed some unique turn-taking patterns that are different from the ones of mundane discussions among peers. This paper raises an issue of the validity of the group discussion format as an assessment tool for language learners' speaking skills and suggests some pedagogical implications.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
  2.1. Small Group Discussion as an Oral Assessment Tool
  2.2. Turn-taking in Second/Foreign language
 3. The Study
  3.1. Participants
  3.2. Data Collecting Method
  3.3. Data Analysis
 4. Discussion
  4.1. Self-selection as an Overarching Turn-Taking Tool
  4.2. Pre-allocated Speaker Roles and Inter-turn Gaps
  4.3. Gazing and Turn-taking
 5. Conclusion
 Appendix: Transcription Conventions


  • Hye-Kyung Ryoo 류혜경. Daegu University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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