A Comparative Study of Korean Causative Suffixes and Chinese Causative Forms for Chinese Learners of Korean
This study examined, clarified and interpreted the reasons behind the various correspondence patterns of Korean causative suffixes and Chinese causative forms by analyzing a parallel corpus of drama. First, the case-frames of the Korean causative suffixes were analyzed and categorized according to whether their roots were automatic, transitive or adjective. Subsequently, it was discovered that the corresponding Chinese causative form could be determined by the root of the Korean causative suffix. This means there is a close relationship between the root of the Korean causative suffix and the meaning of the Chinese causative forms, ‘讓, 叫, 给,把'. Finally, corresponding Chinese causative forms differ according to the case-frames of the Korean causative suffixes. According to the results of this study, it was found that there are certain patterns between the root type and case-frames of Korean causative suffixes and their corresponding Chinese causative forms. The result of this study will help Chinese Learners of Korean to identify whether a particular Korean suffix is causative or passive. This results of this study will also be useful for translating and communicating complicated Koran suffixes to Chinese learners.
1. 머리말
2. 선행 연구
3. 한국어 접미사 사동의 분석 결과
3.1 한국어 접미사 사동의 유형 분석 결과
3.2 한국어 접미사 사동의 격틀 분석 결과
4. 한국어 접미사 사동과 중국어 사동의 대조분석 결과
4.1 어근에 따른 접미사 사동과 중국어 사동의 대응 양상
4.2 격틀에 따른 접미사 사동과 중국어 사동의 대응 양상
5. 맺음말