Evaluation and Accreditation System for Korean Language Institutes : Standards of CEA, Eaquals, and ACCJC Agencies
Korean language education has now disseminated worldwide; as a result, it is necessary to establish an evaluation and accreditation system for Korean language institutes to facilitate quality management of these institutes. This study, therefore, comparatively analyzed overseas evaluation and accreditation systems for language education, and drew a plan for an evaluation and accreditation system for Korean language institutes that corresponds to the Korean context. For the comparative analysis, this study first conducted a thorough literature review concerning the evaluation and accreditation systems and standards of both Korean and overseas language institutes, and extensively examined elements for comparison. Based on the examination, an institutional approach was taken for further examination. CEA, Eaquals, and ACCJC agencies were selected among representative overseas language education evaluation and accreditation organizations, and the evaluation standards suggested by these three organizations were examined. A comprehensive review on the evaluation systems of overseas language education evaluation organizations is highly valuable as it consolidates the foundation for establishing a future evaluation and accreditation system for Korean language institutes. Finally, the study summarized the evaluation standards of the three organizations discussed, and suggested requirements for short-, mid-, and long-term goals to realize the plan for an evaluation and accreditation system for Korean language institutes.
1. 서론
2. 기존 연구 및 제도 검토
3. 외국 언어교육 평가인증기관 평가기준 비교 분석
3.1 CEA
3.2 Eaquals
3.4 분석적 함의
4. 대학부설 한국어교육기관 평가인증제 방안