

TV 뉴스 영한 트랜스크리에이션 전략 : 첨가와 삭제를 중심으로


Image-related TV News Translation Strategies – Focusing on Addition and Deletion


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Although image plays an integral part of TV news translation, TV image has long been left unexplored in TV news translation studies. In this regard, this study seeks to find image-related translation strategies in TV news. The key finding is that the addition of verbal signs about the camera’s distance of the image is adopted to comply with the redundancy norms of reporting in the Korean media. The addition of the verbal signs about the context before and after the image that is selected in the target text and the deletion of the verbal signs that appear the same on the image are also adopted in order to comply with the length of the report in the Korean media. Furthermore, the addition of the verbal signs about the background information of the image is also adopted as one of key translation strategies to encourage prompt understanding of target viewers.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 배경
  2.1. TV 뉴스 번역의 특성
  2.2. 다중모드성(Multimodality)의 측면에서 본 TV 뉴스 번역
 3. 텍스트 분석 대상 및 방법
 4. 분석 결과
  4.1. 영상의 취사선택 양상
  4.2. 첨가와 삭제
   4.2.1. 카메라와의 거리에 관한 설명 첨가
   4.2.2. 영상의 배경 설명 첨가
   4.2.3. 전후 영상에 의한 첨가
   4.2.4. 구성 화면 속 문자 기호에 의한 삭제
 5. 결론
 부록: 텍스트 양적 분석 결과지


  • 정나영 Jeong, Na-Young.. 국립공주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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