


초등학교 비형식 과학 교육을 위한 융합인재교육(STEAM) 프로그램의 개발 및 적용 - ‘빛’ 주제를 중심으로


Development and Application of STEAM Education Program for Informal Science Learning in Elementary School : Focused on Theme of 'Light'

이효녕, 백소연, 이현동

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purposes of this study are to develop the STEAM program grounded on curriculum and to investigate educational effects of the developed program on students’ attitude of science and science self-efficacy by application to elementary informal science education environment. In order to develop this program, the literature reviews were conducted and then STEAM education program based on the theme ‘light’ is developed. The developed program was revised and complemented through preliminary applications and consulting with experts, and applied to 65 students. A single group pre-post paired t-test was conducted through the students’ attitude of science and science self-efficacy test. The semi-structure interviews were used to gather focused and additional data. The results of this study were as follows: firstly, STEAM education program was developed with the theme ‘light’ for elementary students in order to increase their interest related to real life. Secondly, the results indicated that the program was statistically significant on the attitude of science for the group of third and fourth graders. However, the effects of science self-efficacy did not appear a significant result for the third and fourth graders. They expressed one possible reason. The theme of light was not familiar with them because the theme was scheduled to teach in the second semester of the fourth graders. Some of students in this group did have a chance to learn the theme. Thirdly, the program was very effective for the fifth and sixth graders on their attitude of science and science self-efficacy. In conclusion, STEAM education program developed with the theme of light is contributed to elementary students’ attitude of science in the informal science education. Students’ learning experiences of relevant concepts can influence on students’ science self-efficacy. It could be very important factor to consider students’ grade level and previous learning experiences when the educational programs develop.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 연구 방법
  1. 교육 프로그램의 개발
  2. 개발한 프로그램의 적용
  3. 자료 분석
 Ⅲ. 연구 결과
  1. 비형식 과학 교육을 위한 융합인재프로그램의 개발 결과
  2. 융합인재교육 프로그램 적용 효과
 Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언


  • 이효녕 Hyonyong Lee. 경북대학교
  • 백소연 Soyeon Baek. 경북대학교
  • 이현동 Hyundong Lee. 경북대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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