

大学创业教育支持与导师制度对大学生创业意图影响关系中 : 自我效能感的中介效果研究


The Effect of University Educational Support and Mentoring on Entrepreneurial Intention : Mediating Role of Self-efficacy

대학창업교육지지여도사제도대대학생창업의도영향관계중 : 자아효능감적중개효과연구

王志成, 羊米林, 康东伟

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the field of Chinese university students’ entrepreneurial intention, there is little previous studies concerns about the university educational support and entrepreneurial intention. In thi s research, we focus on whether the mentoring and university educational support have the positve effect to the sutdents’ entrepreneurial or not, the statistical population for the study includes the students from 4 universities in China. Among the 263 surveys distributed, 245 surveys were completed and usable. The relationship among the mentoring, university educational support, self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial intention are examined by the SPSS, AMOS, and Bootstrapping. Under the situation of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, the government and university should encourage their mind and good idea to become reality. So, how to develop their entrepreneurial intention is necessary to considered. In this research, the purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the effect of mentoring, university educational support on entrepreneurial intention in Chinese universities. The mediating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between mentoring, university educational support and entrepreneurial intention is analysed. The research results reveal that: firstly, mentoring, as well as university educational support has a positive significant relationship to self-efficacy. Secondly, Self-efficacy also positively relates to entrepreneurial intention. Thirdly, Self-efficacy mediated the relationship between mentoring, university educational support and entrepreneurial intention. Finally, Some practical recommendations to develop the entrepreneurial intention for Chinese university students were suggested. Since today’s youth are the potential entrepreneurs of the future, understanding their self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention about contextual factors can be a contribution to the development for the literature, and an important step in designing a more effective policy mechanism in universities. Nowadays, reinforce the mentor system and university educational support for the graduates who have entrepreneurial intention is very necessary.


 1. 前言
 2. 理论背景
  2.1. 导师制度与自我效能感的关系研究
  2.2. 大学创业教育支持与自我效能感的关系研究
  2.3. 自我效能感与创业意图的关系研究
  2.4. 自我效能感中介效果的关系研究
 3. 研究方法
  3.1. 选定样本
  3.2. 控制变量
  3.3 变数的测定
 4. 数据分析与结果
  4.1. 效度的测定与描述性统计
  4.2. 模型的拟合度和假设的检验
  4.3. 自我效能感的中介效果的检验
 5. 结论
  5.1. 研究结果
  5.2. 研究的启示和不足


  • 王志成 왕지성. 江西财经大学工商管理学院 中国
  • 羊米林 양미임. 江西财经大学工商管理学院 中国
  • 康东伟 강동위. 江西财经大学工商管理学院 中国


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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