The National translation institute had been playing an important role in the history of Chinese translation, which also suggested significant implications to translation theory and methods. The main features that make the translation institute difference from modern translation activity is systematical organization, segmented job divisions and cooperative translation. With the development of national translation institute, its functions were more and more complete and the management were more and more strict. The foundation of translation institute guaranteed correct, proper, systematic and scientific translation of buddhist sutra, and exerted strong influence on Chinese modern translation theory and translation practice.
1. 머리말
2. 역장 제도의 출현과 발전
2.1 역장의 출현 - 魏晉南北朝시기
2.2 역장의 발전 - 隋唐시기
3. 역장의 번역 시스템과 번역방법
3.1 역장의 분업시스템
3.2 위진남북조와 수당 역장의 비교
3.3 역장 제도의 영향
4. 맺는말