Since Lakoff and Johnson(1980), many researchers have paid a lot of attention to observing conceptual metaphors and conceptual metonymies in our everyday language. However, as Lakoff and Johnson(1980) emphasize, since conceptual metaphors and metonymies shape and structure our conceptual system, they can also be observed in many other areas such as our actions and visual images. Some researchers including Forceville have paid attention to visual metaphors in advertisements. However, metonymies in visual images have received little attention. To bridge the gap, this paper observes various metonymies in visual images of 152 anti-smoking advertisements. The result shows that anti-smoking advertisements utilize the EFFECT FOR CAUSE and INSTRUMENT FOR EVENT metonymies most frequently and in many cases metonymy chains. This is due to the fact that abstract concepts have to be visually expressed in order to deliver a complicated message quickly.
1. 서론
2. 연구 방법
3. 금연 광고에 나타난 환유
3.1. [흡연은 사망]
3.2. [흡연은 노화 및 생식기능저하]
3.3. [흡연은 질병]
3.4. [흡연은 재난]
3.5. [흡연은 자녀의 간접흡연]
4. 결론