

상담초기에 나타난 행동상담・REBT・인간중심・절충상담의 상담자 의도반응과 언어반응에 따른 차이 분석


The Differential Analysis of Counselor’s Intention Response and Verbal Response of Behavior CounselingㆍREBTㆍPerson-Centered CunselingㆍEclectic Counseling Revealed in the Initial Stage of Counseling


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to investigate how 4 types of counseling such as Behavior Counseling, REBT, Person-Centered Counseling and Eclectic Counseling in the initial stage of counseling are differentiated in measurement of counselor’s intention response and verbal response. To this end, the verbatim record which applied 4 types of counseling shown in the book“ Five Therapists and One Clinet (translated by Lee, Hye-Seong, 1997)” written by Corsini(1991) was used as research data. As for measurement of counselor’s intention response. 19 lists of counselor’s intention response made by Hill and O’Grady(1985) were divided into 7 clusters(Keum, Meong-Ja, 1994) and then, test papers were used. As for measurement of counselor’s verbal response, analysis was made through 10 counselor verbal response category system suggested by Hill(1985). Total 3 raters of 1 counseling professor and 2 professional counselors analyzed the verbatim record in order to secure reliability of assessment on the verbatim record and response analysis aggrement between analysts(Cohens Kappa) was .87 and .89. The results of this research are as follows. First, according to analysis results of counselor’s intention response, Behavior Counseling was concentrated on assessment and REBT had far greater total of response frequency in 5 types of intention such as assessing, supporting, educating, exploring, and restructuring than other types of counseling. In this respect, Behavior Counseling and REBT are clearly different. Person-Centered Counseling exhibited 2 areas of assessing and supporting, but Eclectic Counseling showed small response frequency evenly in all the 7 areas revealing differentiation from Person-Centered Counseling. Second, according to analysis results of counselor’s verbal response, Behavior Counseling showed higher response frequency in closed-typed question, open-typed question, information provision, direct instruction, open-type question, interpretation, approval and assurance. REBT had wider response area and higher response frequency than Behavior Counseling. Person-Centered Counseling showed higher response frequency in restricted area such as paraphrase, approval and assurance while Eclectic Counseling used many direct interviews. Eclectic Counseling showed lower response frequecy in even status than Person-Centered Counseling exhibiting differentiation. Based on above results, discussions and suggestions were made.


본 연구는 상담의 초기에 행동상담, 인지정서행동상담(REBT), 인간중심상담, 절충상담의 4가지 상담유형이 각각 상담자의 의도반응과 언어반응 측정에서 어떻게 차이가 나타나는지를 알아보는 데 있다. 이를 위하여 Corsini(1991)가 저술한 “다섯 명의 치료자와 한 명의 내담자(이혜성 역, 1997)” 책에 나타난 4가지 상담유형을 적용한 축어록을 연구자료로 삼았다. 상담자 의도반응의 측정은 Hill과 O'Grady(1985)가 제작한 19개의 상담자 의도반응 목록을 금명자(1994)가 7개의 차원으로 나누어 다시 사용한 분석지를 사용하였다. 상담자 언어반응 측정은 Hill(1985)이 제시한 상담자 언어반응 유목체계의 10가지 반응양식을 통하여 분석되었다. 축어록에 대한 평정의 신뢰성을 확보하기 위하여 상담교수 1명, 상담전문가 2명, 총 3명이 축어록을 분석하였으며, 반응분석일치도(Cohens Kappa)는 의도반응(.87), 언어반응(.89)이었다. 본 연구의 결과 첫째, 상담초기의 상담자 의도반응 분석 결과, 행동상담은 평가하기에 집중되었으며, REBT는 평가하기․지지하기․교육하기․탐색하기․재구조화기의 5가지 의도에서 다른 상담유형보다 반응빈도수가 훨씬 많았다. 행동상담과 REBT는 이런 점에서 차이가 있었다. 인간중심상담은 평가하기․지지하기의 두 영역만 반응이 나타났지만, 절충상담은 7개의 전체영역에서 작은 반응빈도수로 골고루 나타나 인간중심상담과 차별화되었다. 둘째, 상담자의 언어반응 분석 결과, 행동상담은 폐쇄형질문․개방형질문․정보제공에서, REBT는 정보제공․직접적지시․개방형질문․해석․시인 및 인정에서 반응빈도수가 높게 나타났다. REBT는 행동상담보다 반응영역이 넓고 반응빈도수가 많았다. 인간중심상담은 부연설명․시인 및 인정과 같은 제한된 영역에서 높은 반응빈도수를 보였으며, 절충상담은 직면을 많이 사용하였다. 절충상담은 인간중심상담보다 반응빈도수가 낮은 상태로 골고루 나타나 차별화되었다. 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 논의와 제언을 하였다.


 논의 및 제언


  • 안이환 Ahn Ie-Hwan. 부산교육대학교 유아교육학과


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