

기계화되기 어려운 인간 능력과 문학번역 능력 비교ㆍ고찰 및 논의


An Analysis and Comparison of Human Skills Required in the 4th Industrial Revolution and Abilities for Literary Translation, and a Discussion on Emerging Issues


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



At the dawn of the 4th industrial revolution, it is noticed that human skills such as social intelligence, creative intelligence, and perception and manipulation are increasingly needed to accommodate rapid changes triggered by technological advancement, and these skills make it difficult to automate and computerize tasks that have been traditionally handled by humans. Jobs that require these so-called ‘engineering bottleneck’ skills will not be easily replaced by machines. For literary translation, perception and interpretive competence, decision-making based on interpretation, creative representation, and attention to readers’ response are required, and these abilities are definitely in line with the skills needed in the new era. This paper has analyzed, categorized, and compared the abilities for literary translation and the human skills that will be more needed in this new era. The analysis has led us to the conclusion that literary translation would not be computerized in no time, but some newly emerging issues should be discussed and tackled. As machines develop faster than projected, some part of literary translation, which would still be performed by humans, will be computerized for cost and efficiency. In this case, how far computers would handle the translation and how much responsibility they would take should be specifically discussed, systematically structured, and explicitly documented.


 1. 연구 배경
 2. 문학번역 능력 및 문학번역의 기계화 가능성에대한 고찰
  2.1. 기계화되기 어려운 인간 능력
  2.2. 문학번역 능력
  2.3. 노벨상 수상작 번역가 인터뷰를 통한 실제 문학번역 경험 및 과정
 3. 문학번역 능력과 기계화되기 어려운 인간 능력 비교 결과 고찰
 4. 기계화 시대 문학번역 관련 이슈 논의
 5. 결론


  • 마승혜 Mah, Seung-Hye. 동국대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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