

제빵에서 천연효모종과 인공효모종에 관한 비교 고찰


Comparison Study on the yeast species of artificial enzymes kinds of baking

강경구, 최정수

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The consumer-oriented health or eco-friendly, it is very important to inform your safe food. In particular, you can see that you are using natural yeast, in front of a bakery shop introduced a variety of products and good for your health. So, when you create a yeast species and indicate the precise knowledge of the characteristics of yeast used than when selling consumers more easily identify and should provide the opportunity to choose. Understanding and application of the yeast species of interest in yeast species increased, this is increasingly required. This should reduce unnecessary misunderstanding about the concept of artificial yeast species (yeast) of yeast species. Studies were compared on the basis of a previous study materials from South Korea and Japan, it seeks to eliminate unnecessary misunderstanding about the kinds of artificial yeast (yeast) through it. Do not be limited to the results of natural and artificial word of this study, if you are using the species name fermentation was alive the features and benefits of each species of yeast can reduce unnecessary misunderstandings and prejudice of consumers. Looking to the future development of various kinds of fermentation, see this previous study will try to give a lot of help as baking ingredients.


 I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 천연효모종
  2. 천연효모종 선행연구
  3. 인공효모종
  4. 천연효모종과 인공효모종의 비교연구
 III. 결론


  • 강경구 Kang, Kyoung-Ku. 경성대학교 호텔관광외식경영학과
  • 최정수 Choi, Jung-Soo. 경남정보대학교 호텔외식조리계열


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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