

Session I - 일반세션 : O2O 서비스, 좌장 : 이은곤(수원대학교)

Customer’s Perception and Behavior in Commerce Linking Online to Offline



What are the important service quality factors in O2O (Online-to-Offline) commerce? How the O2O service quality factors affect customers’ behaviors through customer perceptions such as perceived risks and perceived trust? Do the different O2O types have a moderation effect in the relationship between perceived risk/trust and customer participation? To answer these questions, the current paper 1) develops a theoretical framework describing the effect of O2O service quality (i.e., tangible and intangible service quality) on customer perception and behavior, 2) verifies the proposed model using a Structural Equation Modeling technique on survey data of consumer purchasing behavior in O2O commerce, and 3) considers the implications of the model.


 Literature Review
  O2O (Online-to-Offline)
  Service Quality (SERVQUAL)
  Customer perception and behavior
 Research Model


  • Yunji Moon Department of Management Information Systems, Catholic University of Pusan
  • Min Sun Kim School of Tourism and Distribution Management, Hyupsung University


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