Effect of Adolescent’s Game Using Time on Morality and Psychological Factors
This study conducted to solve misunderstanding in adolescent’ morality growth through finding relations between morality, psychological factors and game using time. Loneliness, Self-esteem, Self-control and Leadership were chosen for effective psychological factors on morality and game using time was chosen an independent variable, too. As a result of the first study, four psychological factors show obvious effect on morality, but game using time doesn’t show any effect. As a result of the second study, game using time shows regulation effect on the relation between loneliness and morality. This means game using is a positive way to supplement the lack of morality by relationship problems.
1. 서론
2. 본론
2.1 도덕성
2.2 자존감
2.3 자기통제
2.4 고독
2.5 리더십
3. 연구방법 및 내용
3.1 연구방법
3.2 설문내용
3.3 신뢰도 분석
3.4 도덕성과 독립변인들간의 관계
3.5 게임이 도덕성과 독립변인들간 관계예 미치는 영향력 분석
4. 결론