

경기 지역 방아타령계 음악 形成攷


The Study on the Kyonggi region Bang-a Taryong versions

경기 지역 방아타령계 음악 형성고


한국국악학회 한국음악연구 제36집 2004.12 pp.303-336
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Among the wide variety of folk music genres that are performed in the Kyonggi region, this study deals with the musical formative process and background of Bang-a Taryong versions. The outcome of this study revealed that this musical genre originated from weeding and greve-stamping song, Bang-a Taryong of the northwest Kyonggi region, and that the melodic structure of this traditional folk song is a rare example of one that is both robust structure andn rhythmical style at the same time. Regarding the special characteristics of the music of Bang-a Taryong, in depth, thorough-going studies by Kyonggi regional music specialists have revealed what the true characteristics of this musical genre are. That is, in the latter part of the chason period, Kyonggi regional folk musicians made precessional and dance accompaniment music of such characterisitically suitable one as the Kkot Bang-a Taryong of winds and percussions genre in folk festivals such as the bridge-treading play(Tapkyo-non) and religious ceremonies, and around the beginning and middle of the 19th century, itinerant performers such as the sadang-pae re-created musical repetoires largely for entertainment purposes such as (slow)Bang-a Taryong song played, while after the mid-19th century, following that played, a new piece was created in which the tempo was more fast and the melody was more cheerful. This tradition was later transmitted by professional folk ballad singers called San Taryong-pae, and around end of 19th century, this songs were transformed into more refilled and nicely form, what is called a "popular folk song" genre style, which are slow Bang-a Taryong, fast Bang-a Taryong and Kyongbok Taryong of popular folk songs. With the advent of the modem theater at the outset of the 20th century, these newly-created forms were needed on stage by ones who were successor to the previously mentioned performing groups for going into theater successfully, These various genres found in the repetoire of the Kyonggi Bang-a Taryong musicians and the wide range of their creative activities are not only contributed to the progressive assimilation of these genre into traditional music society, but are also of great significance in that they made the existence of kyonggi popular folk music possible today.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 취타 꽃방아타령
 Ⅲ. 경기 방아타령계 소리
  1. 토속민요 방아타령과 사당패소리 긴방아타령
  2. 사당패소리 자진방아타령과 경복궁타령
  3. 사당패 · 산타령패 방아타령과 통속민요 방아타령
 Ⅳ. 결론 : 경기 방아타령계 음악의 형성과정 및 배경


  • 손인애 Son, ln-Ea. 서울대 박사과정 수료 서울대, 목원대 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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