

Feedback on L2 Writing : The Use of Collaborative Web-based Bulletin Board


Kwon Sun-hee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The present study investigates the effects of feedback on English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ writing via two different modes of computer-related communication: peer-editing with a word processor and free discussion on an asynchronous web-based Bulletin Board (BB). The performance of two groups of EFL learners on the writing task was compared to answer to the following questions: 1) Is there any difference between peer editing by a word processor and free discussion on an asynchronous BB in participants’ writing accuracy and writing fluency development? 2) How might asynchronous BB facilitate free discussion on the topic? The results showed that, in general, participants in both groups produced significantly longer essays with fewer errors when given feedback on their drafts. However, a measure of the error-free T-unit indicated that the only statistically significant change between the first and the revised draft was found in the free discussion group by BB. These results may suggest that first, L2 writers who have been exposed to fairly intensive L2 writing experiences may more effectively improve their writing proficiency through indirect ways, such as free discussion, elaboration, and listening to others’ perspective. Secondly, web-based Bulletin Board discussion may facilitate L2 learners’ contextualized interactions, which can lead to reorganization, expansion and selfcorrection of their own writing.


I. Motivation and Purpose of the Study
 II. Literature Review
 III. Method
  1. Participants
  2. Writing Task
  3. Analysis and results
  4. Interpretation of results
 IV. Discussion
 V. Limitation and Further Suggestion of the Study
 VI. Teaching Implications and Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Kwon Sun-hee Universitγ of Florida


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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