Development of Mentoring Program for Elementary School Students with Limited English Reading Abilities and Its Application
This study was conducted in order to develop a mentoring program for elementary school students who have limited English reading abilities and investigate effective methods of teaching by mentors. The subjects of this study were 9, 5th grade students from the same elementary school. They were divided into 3 equal groups, according to their school test score. It was carried out for 12 weeks. They met once a week and had telephone lessons 4 days a week for about 20 minutes each. Pre-test and post-test assessed reading abilities and affective domains. Teaching diaries, reading records, and reflection papers were collected and reviewed by the researcher, which influenced revision in reading program. Then researcher gave feedback to the mentors. The data was analysed to find out students’ individual characteristics and effective ways to teach them. The results indicate that the mentoring program was very beneficial in helping students to develop reading abilities and influenced positive effects on their affective domains. Students with limited reading abilities need special help from someone who cares. Since it is not easy for school teachers to help them individually, they require outside help. Thus universities in the regional area can be the solution.
II. 이론적 배경
1. 교감학습의 정의
2. 읽기 교육의 중요성
3. 초등영어 읽기 지도법
4. 읽기학습 부진아를 위한 선햄연구들
III. 연구방법
1. 연구대상
2. 연구 기간 및 절차
3. 연구 자료 수집 방법
IV. 연구 내용
1. 읽기 프로그램 개발 내용
2. 읽기 부진아를 위한 교감학습 프로그램 모형
IV. 결과 분석 및 논의
1. 대상 아동들의 특성과 수업 참여도
2. 영어 능력의 변화
3. 정의적 영역의 변화
4. 개인별 특성에 따른 적용 방안
V. 결론
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