

함수에 의한 덩키문 해석의 한계


Some Remarks against Interpreting the Donkey Sentences by Function


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to examine the common and different aspects between the readings of the donkey sentences and function, and to reveal some limits on interpreting the readings of the donkey sentences by function. To do this, in chapter 2 the representative readings of the donkey sentences are presented, in chapter 3 the characteristics and kinds of functions are examined and functional features that are found in the natural languages are discovered, and in chapter 4 the donkey sentences are interpreted by function. The result is that there are some readings that can represent the donkey sentences by function, while there are others that can not. In the case of the former, it has been discovered that a universal reading corresponds to a weak reading, but an existential reading to a strong reading. Meanwhile, in the case of the later, it has been revealed that a universal reading is called a strong reading, while an existential reading a weak reading. In addition, it has been concluded that E-type readings and pair quantification readings have also some limits in that the donkey sentences are not easy to be interpreted by function, that is, which are non-functional.


I. 서론
 II. 덩키문 독법
  2.1 전칭 독법과 존재 독법
  2.2 강 독법과 존재 독법
  2.3 E-유형 독법과 짝 양화 독법
 III. 함수와 영어
  3.1 함수의 정의
  3.2 단사함수, 전사함수, 전단사함수
 IV. 함수적 해석의 한계
  4.1 함수와 덩키문 독법
  4.2 강 독법과 약 독법
  4.3 최대 전제와 유일성 조건
  4.4 덩키문 독법들에 대한 함수적 해석의 한계
  4.5 합성 함수와 덩키문 술어
 V. 맺음말
 Works Cited


  • 윤흥섭 Yoon, Heung-seob. 충북대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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