

요약쓰기과제를 통한 읽기능력향상


Effects of Summary Writing on Reading Comprehension


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Summary writing in reading classes has been used as a post-reading activity in that L2 learners can write from and about written texts. The purpose of the study was to investigate how much summary writing influenced word learning, including both familiar and unfamiliar ones, and reading comprehension. To complete the study, 34 college students who were taking a reading comprehension course had been asked to submit ten summary writings, as an assignment, after completing each unit for 15 weeks. In class, some reading strategies, especially recognizing and using text structure, were focused on for the students to be a strategic reader. The results of the study showed summary writing had a significant effect on recognition of familiar and unfamiliar words and reading comprehension, but not on final exam. Summary writing caused them to activate and use words and structures, not only the ones which have been exposed but also never exposed to them. The study suggests an intriguing possibility that attempts to write in L2 have positive effects on key components contributing to L2 reading comprehension regardless of how well writing is.


I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 읽기와 쓰기의 통합과정
  2. 요약쓰기에 관련된 인지과정
  3. 선행연구
 III. 연구 방법
  1. 연구 대상
  2. 연구 설계
  3. 연구자료 및 도구
  4. 분석방법
 IV. 연구결과 및 논의
  1. 쓰기집단 별로 본 교재단어능력
  2. 쓰기집단 별 일반단어능력
  3. 쓰기집단 별 성취도
  4. 쓰기집단 별 읽기능력변화
  5. 변수 간 상관관계
 C. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 황선유 Hwang Seon-Yoo. 서원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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